Suspension bridges hold a special place in the bridge construction history. Selection and peer-review under resp onsibility of the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Keywords: suspension bridge, rigid cable, displacement, finite bending stiffness, FE analysis. Comparison of theoretical and numerical results is given. Also, taking into account the bridge erection process the revised simplified method for the stress-strain analysis of suspension bridge with rigid cables is presented. This paper presents a revised theoretical and numerical analysis of the suspension bridge with rigid cable.

One of the ways of suspension systems stabilization is giving certain bending stiffness to the suspension cables.
The main disadvantage of suspension bridges is their increased deformability. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania bDepartment of Bridges and Special Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulètekio ave. Tatjana Grigorjevaa'*, Algirdas JuozapaitisbĪDepartment of Architectural Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas technical university, Saulètekio ave. Revised Engineering Method for Analysis of Behavior of Suspension Bridge with Rigid Cables and Some Aspects of Numerical Modeling Available online at Procedía Engineeringġ1th International Conference on Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques,